Simon Gibbs
Film and Video Editor
Imogen Heap – Creative Passport Improv Promo
1×1 minute
Directed by Simon Gibbs
This promo was to promote Imogen Heap’s Improvisations that she was performing during the lockdown period of 2020. The idea was to raise money for the Creative Passport, a new system designed to help join musicians with their royalties. To do this fans were able to submit requests along with a £100 donation to get one of Imogen Heap’s songs dedicated to themselves or a friend, or alternatively £500 which would get a cover.
Fans were also encouraged to participate in other ways, such as chats, jams and sending lyric fragments, which resulted in some funny and emotionally powerful moments. Much of the time was spent seeing Imogen create new song ideas in improvisations.
Built from the webstream, the promo’s idea was to capture some of these moments and was requested by Imogen herself. The deal for the promo was to do a personalised cover, which for a fan is priceless.
Use on Social Media
The video was used in a few different places on Imogen Heap’s social media channels such as:
It was also used on the stories feature for Imogen Heap and other artists she was covering, such as Caroline Polachek.
The ParaPod Movie Prologue
1×2 minutes
Directed by Ian Boldsworth
Over Christmas 2019 the ParaPod Movie needed some extra promotion while the film prepared for its premiere on January 7th. This short scene was one that was entertaining but too long and did not fit in the context of the full movie. I had the idea of repurposing this deleted scene as a prologue to the film.
It gives an introduction to Ian, Barry and their relationship. It also gives some brief information to the equipment used by the duo on their adventure.
A rough cut was shown to Ian, further cuts were suggested and a final version was created with titles and music.
The ParaPod Movie Trailer
1×1 minute
Directed by Ian Boldsworth
This was the first full trailer for the movie – giving a hint of what was to come. I presented to the director a rough cut which was given a green-light. After then we discussed extra shots and built up the full trailer before turning the footage over to VFX, titles and music.
Watch Early Cut
As a behind the scenes look Ian Boldsworth gave fans a behind the scenes look of the first cut of the trailer. This was what I originally sent to the director to show my initial plans. Much of the structure and shots remain in the final cut.
The Calm Before the Storm – Teaser
1×0.5 minutes
Directed by Ian Boldsworth
This teaser was a lead in to the trailer. The idea behind it arrived when the sound guy Danny Rowe came up with a toy-box version of the podcast theme tune. It was quick to come together and was released a month prior to the full trailer’s launch.