Simon Gibbs

Film and Video Editor

The Gloves Are Off


1×1 minute (trailer) & 1×197 minutes
Directed by Marco Napolitano

The Gloves Are Off was a fan curated live event for The Creative Passport and Imogen Heap. Over the past few months Imogen Heap had been running live Improv sessions to raise money for The Creative Passport, which had resulted in myself creating a trailer to advertise the events.

Imogen had decided to slow these sessions due to the amount of energy each one was taking. Marco Napolitano, a fan who had made a large impact on these events decided to give Imogen a night off and also continue to raise money.

Fan’s were asked to submit musical and artistic performances, while Emma Zinck and myself were asked to come on as editors to arrange the performances. In total 20 artists took part.

Louis Tribou created a series of promotional graphics, which I then took and animated in After Effects. A test of these animated graphics was adapted and turned into a trailer for the event, released on Imogen Heap’s YouTube channel, and other social media of the Creative Passport.

For the show I created the final timeline, pulling in an XML of the work that Emma had done, then bringing in my own artist edits, graphics, adjusting the sound, in some places colour and in one instance tracking and blurring an item in a scene.

Watch the trailer

Watch the full show

YouTube Version

Facebook Version

Twitter / Periscope Version

Imogen Heap – Creative Passport Improv Promo


1×1 minute
Directed by Simon Gibbs

This promo was to promote Imogen Heap’s Improvisations that she was performing during the lockdown period of 2020. The idea was to raise money for the Creative Passport, a new system designed to help join musicians with their royalties. To do this fans were able to submit requests along with a £100 donation to get one of Imogen Heap’s songs dedicated to themselves or a friend, or alternatively £500 which would get a cover.

Fans were also encouraged to participate in other ways, such as chats, jams and sending lyric fragments, which resulted in some funny and emotionally powerful moments. Much of the time was spent seeing Imogen create new song ideas in improvisations.

Built from the webstream, the promo’s idea was to capture some of these moments and was requested by Imogen herself. The deal for the promo was to do a personalised cover, which for a fan is priceless.


Use on Social Media

The video was used in a few different places on Imogen Heap’s social media channels such as:

It was also used on the stories feature for Imogen Heap and other artists she was covering, such as Caroline Polachek.

The ParaPod Movie


1×105 minutes (Rated 15)
Directed by Ian Boldsworth


The ParaPod Movie is a feature that follows Ian Boldsworth and Barry Dodds as they travel across the UK in a hunt for ghostly going-ons. I covered multiple roles across the film’s production, but was primarily known as The Editor. I also worked on some VFX, graphics, colouring and more.

The film was edited on Adobe Premiere at my home studio in Nottinghamshire.

It premiered at the Prince Charles Cinema in London on January 7th 2020 and follows a tour across the UK.

Sample Scenes

(Scenes are for sample purposes only and not for redistribution or download – request for password if needed)


  • Chortle 4/5*
    “…a film that offers shocks, chills, laughs and a hot take on human nature”
  • Higgypop
    “…well-paced, gripping, and brilliantly scored…”
  • Richard Herring
    “…a beautiful relationship of blind faith crashing against logical scepticism…”



I edited the trailes for The ParaPod Movie and they each have their own section.

The ParaPod Movie Prologue


1×2 minutes
Directed by Ian Boldsworth

Over Christmas 2019 the ParaPod Movie needed some extra promotion while the film prepared for its premiere on January 7th. This short scene was one that was entertaining but too long and did not fit in the context of the full movie. I had the idea of repurposing this deleted scene as a prologue to the film.

It gives an introduction to Ian, Barry and their relationship. It also gives some brief information to the equipment used by the duo on their adventure.

A rough cut was shown to Ian, further cuts were suggested and a final version was created with titles and music.


Deep Foundations


1×6 minutes
Directed by IMM

IMM is a charity that believes in passing the christian message to people located around the world in mining communities. For this film I was invited to travel to Ethiopia and film the experiences of Vicky Yorke as she met with pastors and churches in the south of the country.

As well as the edit I did audio, colour correction, titles and voice over work.

The final film was burned onto DVD and given out to members at an IMM international conference.

A large portion of the footage was filmed on an iPhone 8 Plus using filmic pro.

Sample clips



Dark Circus – Nowhere to Go


1×3 minutes
Directed by Louis Brough

Nowhere to go was a music video filmed in BRAW format and edited in DaVinci Resolve over a short period. I did the initial edit with the director Louis making a few changes later. It was for a competition called 2Weeks2Make.


The Knot


1×3 minutes
Directed by Louis Brough

The Knot was a short horror film created for ‘FIVE/24 2019 24HR Film Challenge’ in an intense day. I arrived on set to cold and wet conditions and sat in my car as footage started to arrive. From there I started to sync the audio and organise the footage ready for editing.

Due to the conditions and some of the inexperience on set, the cameras were not recording audio and due to the rain there was often no slate used. This meant trying to sync the footage and audio together was a challenge and often required manual work as the wind stopped many of the automatic tools from working.

Once in a warm location, with all footage shot, the edit started in earnest. Pav Gekko was in charge of sound and it still amazes me what he managed to achieve based on what was recorded on set. Truly superb.



Not Again Lily


1×5 minutes
Directed by Mark Corden


Not again Lily is a short film created for the ‘Sci-fi London 48 hour film challenge 2019’. The short time-scale meant that the whole process was intense. I arrived early into filming and setup on location. As crews were finishing scenes the camera crew were delivering the card to me, where I would duplicate the footage and sync with the recorded audio. As the short was being filmed I started to edit – being helped greatly by the script supervisor Merryn Rae Peachey.

A large portion of the edit was done before we left location. And within a couple of hours of arriving at the post-production base I started to refine the edit with the director.

While the film did not win any awards, it was an exciting opportunity and a great crew. I look forward to working with them again soon.



Mike Shinoda – One More Light (Live)


This project was a personal piece of work and is non-commercial or officially endorsed.

In London at the Roundhouse, Mike Shinoda did a special performance of a song from Linkin Park. This song held special significance to fans and caused an intensely emotional moment.

I filmed a clip from my phone of this moment and once home searched for others who did the same. I then synchronised the footage and did a quick edit. I forwarded the footage to Mike Shinoda’s management and their reaction was extremely positive. They encouraged me to upload and put the footage public.

Mike Shinoda tweeted the footage himself and it was written about in a Kerang Magazine article. To this date the video has been watched over a million times.


The Midnighter


1×5 minutes
Directed by Holly Brown

The Midnighter is a short created by Holly Brown while she was a student at Confetti in Nottingham.

Holly wanted me to have a second look at the film when the original editor was keeping the film close to the 15 minute mark and was unable to give the footage a night look, something that was important to the story and title.

The film now has a stylistic night feel, some additional VFX and a complete re-edit.
