Simon Gibbs

Film and Video Editor

The Gloves Are Off


1×1 minute (trailer) & 1×197 minutes
Directed by Marco Napolitano

The Gloves Are Off was a fan curated live event for The Creative Passport and Imogen Heap. Over the past few months Imogen Heap had been running live Improv sessions to raise money for The Creative Passport, which had resulted in myself creating a trailer to advertise the events.

Imogen had decided to slow these sessions due to the amount of energy each one was taking. Marco Napolitano, a fan who had made a large impact on these events decided to give Imogen a night off and also continue to raise money.

Fan’s were asked to submit musical and artistic performances, while Emma Zinck and myself were asked to come on as editors to arrange the performances. In total 20 artists took part.

Louis Tribou created a series of promotional graphics, which I then took and animated in After Effects. A test of these animated graphics was adapted and turned into a trailer for the event, released on Imogen Heap’s YouTube channel, and other social media of the Creative Passport.

For the show I created the final timeline, pulling in an XML of the work that Emma had done, then bringing in my own artist edits, graphics, adjusting the sound, in some places colour and in one instance tracking and blurring an item in a scene.

Watch the trailer

Watch the full show

YouTube Version

Facebook Version

Twitter / Periscope Version